Micro Carbon Residue Tester
The Micro Carbon Residue Tester is controlled with microprocessor according to ASTM D 4530. The apparatus automates the classic Conradson Carbon test according to ASTM D 189 (correlation to ASTM D 189 and IP 13). This device can also be programmed for testing according to the user's desired temperature program. This micromethod uses relatively small sample volume of 0.1 - 2 g (depending on the carbon content - measuring range 0.1 % - 30 %) compared to the original method. The inlet pressure for the nitrogen gas system is 135 kPa to 1000 kPa and the flowmeter range is 0 ml/min to 1000 ml/min, the thermal sensor range is 0 °C to 775 °C at 1 °C resolution (iron-constantan thermocouple). The device allows to measure up to 12 samples simultaneously. Standards: ASTM D 4530, ASTM D 189, IP 398, ISO 10370, ISO 6615, DIN 51551, GB/T 17144, JIS K 2270