Preparation of Belite Cement with High Content of ß-Belite and Properties of Mortar on its Base
PROCEEDINGS of the 7th International Conference on Chemical Technology, Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, Praha, Pages 135 - 139
- Category: Článek ve sborníku (Article in the proceedings)
- Author: Koutník Petr, Soukup Aleš
- ISBN: 978-80-88307-00-6
- Year: 2019
"In the last few years it has been desirable to lower CO2 emissions from construction material production because of climate change. One way to reduce CO2 emissions is to produce cements which have belite (dicalcium silicate) as a main component instead of alite (tricalcium silicate), which is a major component of Portland cement. The production of cement with a high ß-belite content consisted of mixing ground limestone with thermal silica and with potassium water glass, then compacting the raw material mixture and firing it in an electric furnace at 1100 °C. The firing temperature used is over 300 °C less than the temperature needed to produce Portland cement. The mortar was prepared by mixing belite cement, water and quartz sand. The
mechanical properties and frost resistance were determined after the hardening of the mortar. The hardened mortar showed a compressive strength of 13 MPa and flexural strength of 4 MPa after a year of curing. The hardened mortar resisted more than 80 freezing cycles in the frost resistance test."