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Evaluation of Marine Fuels Stability by Ultraviolet Radiation
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Chemical Technology, Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, Mikulov, 2017, Pages 367-372
- Category: Článek ve sborníku (Article in the proceedings)
- Author: Černý Radek, Hidalgo Herrador José Miguel, Vráblík Aleš
- ISBN: 978-80-86238-65-4
- Year: 2017
Marine fuel has to meet the qualitative parameters according to the ISO 8217. The stability of the marine fuel is a very important and frequently discussed parameter, because it has to meet the quality parameters throughout the storage and the transportation from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The logistic process could be very long as well as complicated because the fuel could be repeatedly heated, transferred to another transport tanks, and mixed with other portions of fuels. The maximum content of total sediments after aging is specified as a parameter closely related to the fuel oil stability. A new method was developed and optimized for the evaluation of marine fuel stability using the fluorescence self-quenching. In this new method, the thin layer of the diluted analytical sample was screened with near ultraviolet radiation. As result, a comparison and relationships of the available methods for the stability evaluation of marine fuels was discussed.