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European round robin tests for the Multiple Stress Creep Recovery Test and contribution to the development of the European standard test method
Proceedings of 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress,1st - 3rd June 2016
- Druh výsledku: Článek ve sborníku (Article in the proceedings)
- Autor: Cabanillas Pilar, Carrera Virginia, Černý Radek, De Visscher Joëlle, Durand Graziella, Hagner Tobias, Lancaster Ian, Paez-Dueñas Antonio
- ISBN: 978-80-01-05962-3
- Vydáno/uděleno: 2016
- DOI: 10.14311/EE.2016.059
In 2011, the task group TG1 of CEN TC336/WG1 was assigned the task to produce a European standard test method for the Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) Test. The MSCR test measures non-recoverable creep compliance and percent recovery using DSR and is used to evaluate the sensitivity to permanent deformation of bituminous binders. In 2012, upon completion of the first draft version of the document prEN 16659, TG1 decided to organize a European round robin test, with 4 different binders. This initiative was taken to evaluate and improve the test procedure, to allow laboratories to gain experience with the test method and to determine the precision. Based on the outcome of the statistical analysis and the feedback from the 25 participants, the draft version was revised and a second round robin test was conducted in 2014. The specific purposes of this second round robin test were to expand the precision data to a wider range of binders by testing 7 other binders and to explore alternative test conditions. This paper reports on the outcome of the round robin exercises and the findings, conclusions and recommendations of TG1 towards the implementation in the framework of European binder specifications.