Hledat publikace
Analysis of Petrochemical Feedstock and Products by Near Infrared Spectrometry
Petroleum & Coal; Vol 56; 2014; Pages 378-382
- Druh výsledku: Článek v odborném periodiku (Article in a professional journal)
- Autor: Pospíšilová Marcela, Štěpánek Kamil
- ISSN: 1337-7027
- Vydáno/uděleno: 2014
WWW stránka s výsledkem
Near infrared spectrometry (NIR) is a modern analytical method which is successfully used in the area of control and processing in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. This method presents a technique which increases effectiveness, accuracy and safety of results. A correlation between variables is found by use of special models which are not associated directly. Then it is possible to predict a result of mechanical properties of petrochemical products. This article focuses on the determination of type, content and properties of hydrocarbon feedstock which are contained in straight-run gasoline and hydrocracking vacuum distillates. These fractions present basic petrochemical feedstock for a steam cracking unit. NIR application was applied for the determination of ethylene contained in polypropylene impact copolymers.