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Comparison of the Method RCAT with Standard Methods for Short-Term and Long-Term Ageing and Usage of Infrared Spectrometry for Evaluation of Bituminous Binders
PROCEEDINGS of the 4th International Conference on Chemical Technology, Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, Mikulov, Pages 142 - 147
- Druh výsledku: Článek ve sborníku (Article in the proceedings)
- Autor: Černý Radek, Jíša Petr, Matoušek Luboš
- ISSN: 2336-811X
- ISBN: 978-80-86238-94-4
- Vydáno/uděleno: 2016
Various methods are used to simulate the ageing of bituminous binders. The standard procedure for short-term ageing is RTFOT (EN 13607-1) and the standard procedure for long-term ageing is PAV (according to EN 14769). Besides RTFOT and PAV, alternative methods for ageing were developed. One of these methods is RCAT (EN 15323) that allows to carry out short-term and long-term ageing and furthermore it enables to simulate the ageing of bituminous binders with an aggregate. The ageing of bituminous binders causes changes in their chemical structure. For evaluation of these changes, infrared spectrometry can be used to detect the increase of polar functional groups in the course of the binder ageing. The goal of the investigation was (i) comparison the ageing of different bituminous binders by RCAT and standard methods, (ii) evaluation of the properties of bituminous binders aged by different methods and (iii) assessment of infrared spectra and evaluation of the chemical changes during ageing.