Hledat publikace
Effect of waste tires addition on a low-temperature hydrovisbreaking 1 process of vacuum residue
Chemical Papers, Pages 1-8, Slovakia
- Druh výsledku: Článek v odborném periodiku (Article in a professional journal)
- Autor: Černý Radek, Hamerníková Jana, Hidalgo Herrador José Miguel, Jíša Petr, Vráblík Aleš
- ISSN: 1336-9075
- Vydáno/uděleno: 2016
- DOI: 10.1007/s11696-016-0110-7
Most of the resources used for energy have a fossil origin and they are non-renewable materials. Using mixtures of waste materials with the currently used non-renewable materials can improve the renewability of the energy production. The goal of this work was to explore the effect of waste tire addition on a hydrovisbreaking process at low temperature. Four tests were carried out at 300 °C in H2 with different feedstocks: (1) vacuum residue; (2) tires; (3) 37.5wt% tires + 62.5wt% vacuum residue; (4) 15wt% tires + 85wt% vacuum residue. Dynamic viscosity, simulated distillation, density, elemental analysis (C, H, N, S% content) by ICP and analysis of gaseous products by GC–MS were carried out for all products. Content of insoluble compounds in hexane was estimated for the products from test (1) and vacuum residue. TGA analyses of the tires were carried out. The addition of tires to the vacuum residue brought a positive effect to increasing the yield of lighter products in the final liquid product. Densities and composition determinated by elemental analyses were similar for feedstock and products. The dynamic viscosity (60 °C) decreased from 24,550 to 17,700 mPa s for test (1) and to 1640 mPa s for test (3).